Plug the IDC10 cable into the Beagle Board with the cable's pin1 going to pin1 of the connector ( the pink wire on the ribbon cable faces the outer corner of the board). 把IDC10线缆插入BeagleBoard,线缆的第一针对连接器的第一针(带状线缆上的粉红线朝向板的外角)。
When you plug in keywords to a job board or search engine, they usually search the text of the postings. 当你在求职信息台或搜索引擎上输入关键词时,他们经常都会用已公布的原词搜索。
To be ESD safe, plug in the other end of the power cable only after you have connected the power cord to the board. 要防静电,插头电源线的另一端,只有在您已连接电源线板。
Good set of exclusive plug in the power line without the foot off the line, show whether the plug board plug board is good or try to change the program. 好,套线排插上电源脚的线有无脱落,节目板的插头有无插好或者更换节目板试试。
Testing data is received with data acquisition plug, signal from tested circuit board is transferred by circuit of switch relay. 前端采集插头接收测试数据,切换继电器电路传递被测电路板信号。
A simple method of soil roughness measure is to plug a board with sc ale into soil, and read the height of soil manually. 测定土壤粗糙度的一种简便易行的方法是在土壤中插入一块刻度板,人工读取土壤高度。
A general purpose high speed data acquisition plug in PC board is introduced. The technology of high speed A/ D conversion, EPLD design and frequency synthesizer is included. 介绍一种通用高速信号采集PC机插卡,它应用了高速模数变换、可编程逻辑设计,锁相环时钟等新技术。